Prof. Dr. Mustafa Özdemir, a Specialist in Dermatology and Venereal Diseases at Medipol University Hospital, pointed out that washing hair every day can lead to more hair loss by destroying the protective layer on the skin.

Emphasizing the importance of considering whether the hair is oily or dry, especially when choosing shampoo, Özdemir stated, “Washing hair every day can lead to more hair loss by destroying the protective layer on the skin. Hair should be washed 2-3 times a week with a shampoo that has a ‘pH’ value suitable for the skin structure. During washing, lukewarm water should be preferred instead of hot water,” he said.

Özdemir emphasized that hair should not be exposed to products like hair gel for extended periods and recommended drying hair with a towel or using natural methods as much as possible instead of a hairdryer.

Pay Attention to Seasonal Transitions

Drawing attention to the fact that significant changes can be seen in hair as well as skin during seasonal transitions, Özdemir stated:

“In the fall and spring months, hair loss can increase abnormally. In the winter months, hair that dries and becomes damaged due to cold, dry air starts falling out due to changing factors with the arrival of spring. In the spring months, attention should be paid to nutrition due to increased energy needs, and a diet rich in protein should be consumed. B-group vitamin supplements can be used, and if there is a deficiency of iron, biotin, and zinc, they should be supplemented.”

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