With the arrival of the summer season, skin conditions have started to become more prevalent. However, it has been noted that controlled exposure to sunlight can be beneficial for skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, which can be challenging to distinguish from each other. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Özdemir stated that controlled sunbathing is an effective treatment for psoriasis and recommended the Mediterranean region for psoriasis patients.

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease characterized by chronic, non-healing symptoms such as flaking, thickening, and changes in color that occur in conjunction with genetic predisposition, environmental factors, and involvement of the immune system, according to Prof. Dr. Özdemir. He noted that eczema is different from psoriasis and that itching is the most distinguishing symptom between the two conditions. While these two conditions can sometimes be confused by the public depending on the affected area, Prof. Dr. Özdemir explained that psoriasis is more commonly seen in areas that are more prone to trauma, such as the knees and elbows. Eczema, on the other hand, is more localized, typically occurring on the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, or the back, depending on the cause. He emphasized that itching should be the warning sign to differentiate between the two conditions.

Prof. Dr. Özdemir stated that dermatologists can easily differentiate between eczema and psoriasis by visual inspection, but in some cases, a biopsy may be necessary, especially for the palm and soles of the feet.

He also mentioned that sunlight is beneficial for psoriasis patients, especially recommending the Mediterranean region. He noted that the more inorganic and salty the sea, the better the chances of treatment. However, he stressed the importance of avoiding sunburn when using the sun for treatment.

Controlled sunbathing can be helpful in the treatment of psoriasis, but individuals should be cautious not to get sunburned. Prof. Dr. Özdemir explained that patients with psoriasis can benefit from sunbathing for about half an hour to one hour during the hours when the sun is at its zenith. He also highlighted the importance of protecting healthy individuals from the sun’s harmful effects during these hours.

In conclusion, while controlled sunbathing can be a helpful treatment for psoriasis, it is essential to use sunscreen, especially during the hours when the sun’s rays are the strongest. Additionally, avoiding the sea during these hours and using sunscreen regularly can help protect the skin from harmful UV rays and potential skin cancer risks.

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