The most common skin diseases from infancy to the end of childhood are rash, diaper rash, acne, rash, eczema, hair diseases, strawberry or wine stains (hemangiomas) and hives.

The disease manifests itself as a white or yellow crust on the baby’s skin and is a non-permanent disorder. Diaper rash is seen in approximately one in every three babies.

It usually occurs due to feces or urine touching the baby’s skin and excessive moisture. In this case, the baby’s diaper should be changed frequently, the baby’s bottom should be washed with clean water, and products compatible with the skin should be used. Heat rash occurs when sweat gland pores become blocked due to excessive sweating and hot weather.

It causes itching and redness. Hemangiomas are swellings formed by the growth of blood vessels under the skin. Acne, although rare, can be seen in infancy and childhood.

The content of the page is for informational purposes only, be sure to consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Content Update Date: 14.12.2022